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What would you give this sig?

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As someone who is fairly new to photoshop and understands only the basics, what would you give this sig?




I appreciate all feedback and be very direct too, I'd rather learn from some of you guys then be stuck with some average looking designs. Any stocks, cuts or any other gallery links would be greatly appreciated as well!


Also, boubabi deserves a lot of praise for walking me through an hour long process in which we used screenshare to help me download PS6!

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The whole thing is a little blurry, the text placement is off, If you start with some crisp images and some blending and decent lighting it`ll improve your work a lot. You can find many tutorials on those two things and I think it`d be my biggest complaint here. probably earn you a 5 still though.

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The whole thing is a little blurry, the text placement is off, If you start with some crisp images and some blending and decent lighting it`ll improve your work a lot. You can find many tutorials on those two things and I think it`d be my biggest complaint here. probably earn you a 5 still though.

In terms of the render, that doesn't seem blurry. However, you are right the city landscape in behind is a tad blurry.


Where would you have put the text? Uncenter the render and put it on the empty side?

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