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Judging My New Boss' Decisions - Marlins S85 Draft Analysis (kinda)


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A new season and a new draft to analyze. I have never personally done one of these before so let’s see if I can manage to make this coherent. Since I was given the job of AGM of the San Diego Marlins after the draft, I am now going to totally judge my GM @jacobcarson877 because why not? Judging a boss’s decision has never backfired on anyone in history ever. So here we go:



Lachlan Summers - G  @kirbithan


With the 6th overall and their first pick of the draft, the Marlins selected goaltender Lachlan Summers. Lachlan returns to the Marlins after a small performance with them during S84. He suited up for 7 games with a 2-5-0 record and a 0.884 save percentage. He may not have been able to show all that he was capable of during the last VHLM season but Lachlan is very active both on and off the ice. He keeps the locker room interesting and I am looking forward to seeing what he can bring to the Marlins this season.


Vincent Laroche-Gagnier - LW @vincentlg2007


Drafted 22nd overall, Vincent Laroche-Gagnier also returns to the Marlins after playing with them during S84. With 4 goals and 5 assists, Vincent showed that he was capable of producing. He is quite the voice in the locker room and was very active during the Junior Showcase Tournament so I can see him having a lot to add to the Marlins’ personality. I think if he put in a bit more work on the ice, Vincent could really be something for this team.


Adam Rage - RW @MrMom


Drafted 32nd overall we have Adam Rage. He played only 2 games with the Las Vegas Aces during the regular season but also joined them for their successful playoff run. Adam had no production and no points but did manage to end the playoffs with a +2 rating. He played for me on team Steel during the JST and struggled to make many moves but did manage to have 4 assists. Adam hasn’t had much of a chance to prove himself but I think if he puts in the work, he can be a good piece for the Marlins.


Tristen Gorlim - RW @Zero-G2494


Last but not least, drafted 59th overall is Tristen Gorlim. With no previous VHLM team, no experience with the JST, and very little activity to go off of, Tristen is the most mysterious piece of this Marlins draft. Hopefully with a team behind him, Tristen can turn into an active player for the Marlins and bring something no one is expecting.


Overall, the S85 draft for the Marlins is first-generation focused and I’m not saying that in a bad way. As someone who is entering their second season as a first-gen, I know that things can be confusing or overwhelming when you first join. So I think that if Jacob and I can be there for our team, then we can turn out successful players whether the team has a winning season or not. I think we have some great people here and I hope that with the coming ads that we will be able to pick up a few more key pieces. The one thing obviously missing from this draft for the Marlins was defense. With this draft class starving for D-men, and with how the Marlins’ season went last year, it makes sense for Jacob to pick up good forwards and a good goalie. Production will be key for this season to make our way out of the basement. 


587 works for week ending 9/11/2022

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I think the Marlins should keep this core. It’s one that can develop into capped players next year. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of draft picks at your team’s disposal. Once your team comes back in the next season you’ll have several players that will cap.

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