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Eagles completes first training camp with Wolves


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Henry Eagles has completed his first training camp with the Wolves and it has been announced he has made the cut. Henry will be starting this season with the Wolves as they start the long journey for the cup.


"It's exciting to be able to play in the VHL right out of the game. It shows a lot that the management has put there faith in me" Henry said " People might say if I can handle this sort of pressure and all I can say is just wait an see. I thrive on this kind of stuff and I am excited to get started and show the league what I can do"


Henry will be one of the candidates for rookie of the year but he will have a tough battle ahead of him. A lot of the rookies this season have an extra year on him so he will have to showcase all his skills in order to finish on top. Will he be able to win the trophy? Tune in this season and find out

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