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Covid Sucks And I Missed My Week So Here is Babbling


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Not a clue what to talk about, honestly just so sick I don't really care, just need TPE. My player is meh, so I'm not expecting too much out of him this season. As a goalie it's really difficult to prepare for a season because really the games outcome is only going to happen "good" if the whole team is playing well, if I'm playing well it doesn't do too much if I let in a goal or two here or there so I have to hope the change in GM, the change in teammates and just the atmosphere will put us over the hump. I know I won rookie of the year which was sweet honestly and super unexpected since the team did so bad but I suppose at the pro level, record doesn't matter like it does in the E and the M, and the actual stats matter more here (finally). I was robbed in my honest opinion at both other levels so that's always fun, but nice to get some proper recognition from GM's lol. Anyways yeah, this is me rambling and babbling and whatever you want to call it, I'm looking forward to this season but also not, so we'll see how it goes and see how I feel, who knows I may be bed ridden the whole damn season the way I'm going. 

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