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Q&A With Vancouver Rookie Dogwood Maple


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Q: How would you assess your play so far this season?
A: Absolutely no complaints. I knew it would be a transition going from the E league to VHL but so far I've been really pleased with my play.


Q: What about the team as a whole - exceeding expectations?  Disappointing?
A: Definitely exceeding, I think.  We definitely made some big offseason moves, but I've been really impressed with how we've all been able to gel both in the locker room and on the ice.  We're firing on all cylinders.


Q: What's been the biggest adjustment for you?
A: Well both in VHLM and VHLE, I was one of the best players on the team, so adjusting to my new role is probably the answer.  But I'm thrilled with our rotation so far and I'm honestly playing more than I thought I would.  Overall, our front office has been pushing all the right buttons so far and I'm really pleased with just about everything so far.


Q: Last one - let's talk about the weather in Vancouver.  As someone from the American South, how has the new climate impacted you?
A: Well it's nice to not have 100F summers with 70% humidity.  Some days back home you don't even feel like going outside. So in that regard, I love it here.  I haven't experienced winter yet, so I guess the jury's still out on that.


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On 9/12/2022 at 12:44 PM, dogwoodmaple said:

Well it's nice to not have 100F summers with 70% humidity.  Some days back home you don't even feel like going outside. So in that regard, I love it here.  I haven't experienced winter yet, so I guess the jury's still out on that.

Similar weather to here in Japan but we hit 102-113F for three to four straight months. It is hell for someone that actually grew-up in BC on Vancouver Islands and then just outside Vancouver so I think you will find the 50F winter very cold considering all it does is rain from September to June with a maybe a day or two of Snow just to make a big mess of things. Don`t worry we will help you with the snow if it does come!!



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