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#asktheBouch: Injuries haunting?


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Okay, here we are again for another #asktheBouch random thoughts and I am not really sure what I am going to talk about other than disappointment but who want to read about a Debbie downer? Well, Let’s find out, shall we?


Vancouver Woah – Heading into the season many predicted a much stronger season for the Vancouver Wolves and at the start we seen some very unexpected things around the league. No offence Helsinki but them going if I remember correct 5-0 to start the season might have or should have been a sign that maybe STHS was messing around a bit with the results as our good start to the season is now dusted. Currently 6-8-1 having dropped from first overall to fifth tied for the last wild cards spot with New York. On the bright side it is a better season that last as we are at least able to win games this season!!


Injuries haunting – Being a former hockey player as it has been years since I actually even skated and yes that is part to the fact that I have moved to Japan where ice is limited. Like most I have picked up knocks along the way from a major MCL injury when I was playing Midget AAA to an ankle injury while playing Senior hockey as young adult; with a bit of a twist at work. Move seven years on from my ankle injury and that has started to bug me again to find out I have a bone infection that wasn`t noticed at the time or picked up by knocking it again without notice. This was quickly followed up by a stupid hard step down that torn my MCL again. So many pills and icing both legs; reminds me I hate being injured. On the bright side I get to miss three works of hard labour at my factory job since I am unable to lift, bend or even walk that much at the moment.  


It not like they are Ghost Pains since it not even Halloween yet!! LOL!!

Happy Halloween GIF by joeyahlbum

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