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Are Skills still a thing?


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It's been an interesting season so far. Malmo has some really skilled and fun players. The locker room is active and we all know we have to do better to move up in the rankings. It's been a good experience so far and look forward to future success with Malmo.


Now on to the meat of the article, skills. I have no idea what a good build is anymore. Look at the leader board and compare builds. You will find a wide range of skill levels from very little defense to very little offense. The thing is though, they are leading the league in several columns and I can't figure out if skills even matter at this point. I haven't been able to find any information on skill slider adjustments or what their values were and what they are now. I can see that the normal core skills don't seem to make a huge difference. Another thing is that max earning for four weeks to gain one skill level kinda sucks especially when the skills don't seem to work like they did before this new system. Maybe a comprehensive breakdown of the skills and their impact on a build would be good. I am not complaining about skills for personal gain. My player is doing about what I expected. I just don't understand the skills when looking at the top ten in just about every category.

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21 minutes ago, Steve said:

I have no idea what a good build is anymore. Look at the leader board and compare builds. You will find a wide range of skill levels from very little defense to very little offense

That was the intent behind the change. Before the change, it was just "99 SC, 40 PA, 99 DF, 99 SK/PH." It was stale, it was boring, no one really enjoyed it. Now people are forced into having unique builds and can prioritize what they'd like. It's led to much healthier player building where there is a level of "ok, I wonder how this TPE investment will work," that promotes experimenting and trying to build towards a niche.


22 minutes ago, Steve said:

I haven't been able to find any information on skill slider adjustments or what their values were and what they are now

There were no adjustments as to how things work in the sim, the only change is lowering the values you can hit. Instead of 99 SC, you can get a max of 94 SC. It'd cost like 500 TPE (exaggeration) but that's the max. 


23 minutes ago, Steve said:

Another thing is that max earning for four weeks to gain one skill level kinda sucks especially when the skills don't seem to work like they did before this new system.

That's just because you are a high TPA player, and that's how incremental gains have always worked. Once you get to the elite tier, you have to spend a lot more to marginally improve. If it was too easy to get to high attribute values, then we'd be back in the 99 everything rut and it'd suck. Also skills do work the same, I'd say that even work better than before now that we're not forcing the sim to find which group of 99's is superior. The engine was not designed for 99's, we changed it up. Now attributes are working closer to intended.

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So I was correct, skills don't have a meaningful level. I understand that the higher you are in tpa the more you spend. I guess I will bank for 4 more seasons as I can't see any benefit in raising a skill that doesn't seem to help your player. Thanks for clearing that up.

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13 minutes ago, Steve said:

So I was correct, skills don't have a meaningful level.

What? I don't know how that was the conclusion. I said we didn't touch any sliders or how skills worked. You still need to invest TPE into your attributes to get better. There's no set level like "hit 99 to be the best" but generally the threshold for a stat is around 85 to be elite.

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