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Sunday Bullets Sept 25


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  • Newborns are tough.. It's been 8 years since my daughter was born but I'm really feeling the impact of a newborn lol. I'm 8 years older, so maybe that plays into it. I'm lucky to have 5 weeks off of work, I don't think I could handle work and no sleep. I'm literally sleeping between 3:00AM and 8:00AMish and then just walking around like a brain dead zombie for the rest of the day.
  • Really getting into Football this year. Maybe it's the free time and the fact that I can place bets and watch the games while my son sleeps in my arms is a benefit. Pretty much have just broken even in bets, but starting to really enjoy the league.
  • Got out for my second round of golf on Friday in the past couple of weeks. Last year I broke 100 for the first time, so that gives you an idea of how bad I am. On Friday I shot my personal best with a 92. No birdies, so pretty much just consistent golf. Likely will be making it my goal for next year to break 90 - which is wild to think that's a possibility considering where my game was at in the beginning of last year.
  • I've been actually missing this place. I haven't been able to hop on Apex and play with our usual crew, and it's been kinda a bummer. Hoping to be able to get on if Eddie can start sleeping a little better. It's making me realize that I'll likely need to take a break for a season after Markinson just so I can give it my best effort with my next player.
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32 minutes ago, STZ said:

I've been actually missing this place. I haven't been able to hop on Apex and play with our usual crew, and it's been kinda a bummer. Hoping to be able to get on if Eddie can start sleeping a little better. It's making me realize that I'll likely need to take a break for a season after Markinson just so I can give it my best effort with my next player.

We'll be there when you've got the time again. Until then, hope the kids stay healthy and happy, enjoy the time off with them!

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