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Get Away Moscow


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We're here again about half-way through the season and the superior Warsaw Predators are still in 1st place, holding off those pesky Moscow Menace. Similar to last season the Menace just won't go away and are right on Warsaw's ass again, however since the Predators are the defending champs and beat them in the playoffs we're not too worried about them. If you remember last season Warsaw was in first for like 30 games then let Moscow passed them and win the division just so they could break their hearts in the playoffs. This season Warsaw seems to have decided to stay ahead of Moscow and are just going to dominate and win the division and probably the cup again. No offense to Moscow of course, they are a strong team and will keep it close but our money is on Warsaw after what they proved last season. Still I'd like to tell Moscow to go away and leave us alone so we can remain supreme and unchallenged in our division as the champs and just have a relaxing time for the next 30 or so games. Thanks

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This posting is more of a fantasy than an article.  We won last year and are first in our division, we must be the best.  Wait somebody is close to us, please stop don't compete cause that is the only way we will win.  Oh damn, did I forget there is a whole seconds division that could completely destroy any chances for a repeat championship. 


Congrats on your S84 championship you fought hard to win. However, this season is far from over and there are plenty of teams in the hunt to be the best of season 85. I wouldn't take your eyes off Moscow but I would suggest that you take off the blinder and look around as there is more than one obstacle out there.


As far as articles are concerned we need more fun trash talking like this to build interteam rivalries.  It is whimsical, fun, positive (nothing negative said about any other team or player).  I give the article a 9/10.

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