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Interview with the ex ottawa gm while he was the gm before the suspension.


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Interview with the ex ottawa gm while he was the gm. I don't want to waste what I already did.


What the Ottawa Lynx will be looking for in the draft next season. and what are the expectations? Can you tell me 5 players the Lynx are interested in?

We are looking to gather the same type of players as we did this season, it's a recipe for success. The ingredients: Active, happy and a little bit of imagination. I think with returning players and some good picks we can compete, depending on how things go we could be a buyer or a seller so we can continue to build for future seasons. This changes a lot and since we may hold the #1 pick (draft lottery) I'm not giving any information out on this, it'll be a surprise! 

If the top 3 picks were taken, who would be your first?

The top 4 pick. Honestly no clue like I said before but it's a high chance I take the most active player that will change the Ottawa franchise for the good, spending time with positive influences only boosts the rest of the team

Do you think with the effort you are making, you can win the cup in s86?

Yeah I think we can carry over momentum from this season like we did in seasons past and fight another goliath of a team until the very end


Do you see a generational player making it big?

Yeah we have a few of them on our team and they are huge to help stabilize a team that's just forming, obviously I encourage to earn the most but if it's fun for you to chill down in the minors an extra season why not? I'm here to have fun with anyone and everyone until the final sim

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