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I think I'm starting to understand why a lot of people tend to drop off in their own interest during the early stages of their career, and I'm not even talking about the VHLE--that doesn't help, but my argument also has nothing to do with it.


Next week, I'll end up with over 700 TPE, and I'll finally start to be in the range of "good" players TPE-wise when the end of next season rolls around. That's not to say that it's impossible to be a good player at a lower TPE level, but it is to say that players usually have to be above 600-some to have a notable impact regardless of their team, and it's taken me about 6-ish months as a top earner to get to that point.


Now, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't read a book if I knew it was going to take me half a year to finish, and I personally also wouldn't buy a video game if it was going to consistently beat me for that amount of time before I started to figure things out. Sure, I'd do something like, say, willingly enter a degree program and spend years of my life on something to earn a thing that will help me spend other years of my life on other things (on Round 2 now!), and I'd pick up another instrument to learn (depending on what you count and to what extent, we're talking Round 3-5), but that's because I'm doing things I care about and I know I have that motivation to keep going. In a world where 50-75% of college students change their major, is it really all that surprising that we see people entering our league and just deciding it isn't for them? 


I was able to stay in the first place--and I continue to do so--because I made connections with the community early on and our site became just as much a place to visit to see my friends as it was a place to watch my player consistently fail to put up numbers. I really think that's the secret, and there's no formula to it. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, and as long as we're all trying to make those connections happen, that's really all we can do.


I could turn this into a whole "this is why the 'every single recreate doesn't belong in the VHLM' argument is stupid" article but it's Sunday, it's a .com article, and I have to be up early tomorrow. Draw the connection yourself.

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