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Triller Enjoying a Royal Celebration


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Leonard Triller celebrates his first goal as a Royal while wearing his golden crown during the Junior Showcase Tournament!  Enjoying it so far and he is even seeing some time on defense which is really cool!  Let me know what you think!



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2 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

I really like the three-dee graphics you pull off, it is a bit of fresh air... in this case, I think it a little awkward to zoom in to Trillers 'crownjewels'... :)

That's right old man, if you like this "three-dee", you might like the other 3Ds I have created in my first season in the VHLM.  I put up my member portfolio.

As for Triller's crown jewels, they are up for grabs in the upcoming VHLM draft and will be showcased again in the Pro AM!  Get your heisting gear out to steal this gem!


Thanks for checking it out!

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