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Hannibal Barca Pre-VHLM Dispersal Draft Interview


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Interviewer: Hello Mr. Barca, thank you for agreeing to an interview! If you don't mind, I would like to get right to the questions. First up, do you have any specific teams that you would like to be drafted by?



Hannibal: Nobody in particular. I find that the people that would choose me should have my loyalty, so I would be honored to join any team that decides to take a flyer on me. 


Interviewer: Great answer! How would you describe your play on the ice?


Hannibal: I think that my play style is more geared towards offense. I believe that my long resume as a strategist in war would help me set up plays and read the ice much like I would a battlefield. 


Interviewer: Going to the technical side of the league, how do you describe your routine for earning TPE?


Hannibal: Most of the time I like to earn around 10 TPE most weeks. Every now and then work will kick my ass and I'll just do practice and welfare, though most times I can throw together a shitty graphic and make a card or write up an article like this to get to that 10 limit. Throw in a press conference that takes 5 minutes and I get that 12 up. Though I can't promise maximum earning each and every week.


Interviewer: Thank you for your time, best of luck in the upcoming draft!


Hannibal: Thank you as well!


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