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Steve Lattimer November


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This is the November installment of our interview series with Steve Lattimer, forward in the VHL.  The Sun Gazzette is beginning a new monthly column that will cover the new playing career of Steve Lattimer, who has recently joined the VHL. Beat reporter Michael J. Smith will be sitting down with Lattimer every month in his hometown of Mooselookmeguntic, Maine. 


Smith: How's it been going so far in VHL?

Lattimer: Candidly, it's been great. It's been somewhat exactly aligned with what my expectations were going into this, and that's been a direct result of the people I've engaged throughout the past month.


Smith: This seems unexpected given some of the commentary inspired from our last interview.

Lattimer: I don't think there's anything surprising about my experience, or, really, the vitriol that came out of the last interview. I'll refrain from saying more about that because it's unproductive and I'm sure people would lose their minds again.


Smith: So what's gone well then?

Lattimer: I've been on the same page with my GMs, coaches, you name it. I've shared my expectations for what this is, what this isn't, and what they can expect to get out of me. It's been a tremendously positive and successful series of engagements. 


Smith: Can you give us examples?

Lattimer: Sure. My GM picked me up, I told him how I planned on earning, he literally told me when to click buttons, earn TPE, and we had discussions on how to invest. He was gracious enough to adhere to my 'policy' on DMing me via Discord vs. communicating on the forums, and I'd venture to say it's been a very successful partnership, or was, since I think I've graduated now or something and now other GMs are recruiting me. But it's been good, he shares game results and recaps with me, we have fun with it but it's exactly the level of commitment I wanted to have. In fact I've probably committed more than I originally expected as I've joined some press conferences too.


Smith: Okay, so what's next?

Lattimer: Not sure. Some coaches have DMed me here to do the standard interview process which I'm not really participating in. I tell them all the same thing. This is exactly what you will and will not get out of me - I'll earn when you tell me to, I'll maybe join in on a press conference if it's easy for me to join, iI'll mold my player to what the team needs or the GM prefers. I won't join a discord locker room, I won't check the forum really, but I'll be what you need me to be. We'll see if anyone cares enough about that to draft me. If not, hey, it is what it is. But credit all due to my GM and my junior hockey tournament coach. They've both been fantastic.


This wraps up our second edition of our monthly column with Steve Lattimer, newly minted member of the VHL.

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