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Banked Future


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As we approach my players first season in the VHLE the question of where to put my banked TPE becomes more relevant.  What do I do with it and what do I want from my player?


From the beginning of this journey I knew there would be a meta at play after reading over the build advice post I was pointed to upon joining.  I had already placed some TPE and quickly found out that I had chosen wrong in the first steps of my player.  I had placed points into "useless" attributes.  It was disappointing to learn that "useless" attributes existed and that I was able to put points into them.  I decided then that I would not fix my build, nor would I seek advice on how to build my player.


I could very easily look at the top playmakers in the VHL and average together their builds to create a formula and determine what percentage of my TPE needed to go to each attribute for me to have an effective playmaker...and I did.  After doing so I felt I was cheating myself out of creating a more realistic VHL experience so I ditched it.


Leonard doesn't need to be Gretzky, nor does he need to strive for it.  I will earn as much as I have time to and place it where I want and if Leonard Triller retires after a long career as a solid third liner then he will retire as most NHLers do.  Role players are the most interesting and it is unfortunate that sim engines don't seem to take much of that into consideration or provide enough feedback for GMs to build the narrative of role players, line chemistry or even rivalries.  Maybe as AI gets more complex so can the engines but until then, we are stuck to the more basic player templates and begging for mercy from Simon.


Praise be to him.

Go Marlins!

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Hi Triller,


Just wanted to drop by and say all the power to you. When I was a M-GM, I gave the players the info I had about the key attributes and about the attributes who do not much or anything at all (or not what you expect them to do). I also provided the links to Gustav's building guide. However, I was always outspoken that they should build their players as they see fit and it is for the GM's to figure out a way to include the build in their roster. 

It is also important to emphasize that the VHL needs role players as otherwise a roster cannot be filled up with the salaries and cap space in effect (which is a good thing). So you can have success as a roleplayer with an 'unpopular' build, maybe just not hoard a lot of individual accolades.


Good luck in your/Leonard's career

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