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Inflation of Skill: A Year of experience later


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Hello everyone! It’s Shaw again. This is less an article to talk about the inflation of skill more to celebrate the fact that it has been a year since I have joined the league. This article is more of a throw back to my very first article in the VHL about the inflation of skill. This was back when I was naive and didn't know how the league worked. Now a full year later I come back and look where I was wrong. Now, one of the biggest and most important points of that article was the fact that most people earned a lot of TPE during the holiday season and since every single player earned this TPE, it really didn't matter as everyone earned the same stuff. This my friends, was where I was wrong. Being young in the league I didn't understand how TPE worked and thought that one TPE was the same for everyone. What I failed to consider was the fact that when you have more TPE, a single piece of TPE is worth less. For example, if you have 750 TPE with your defensive coverage and many defensive statistics being around the 90 mark while wanting to just upgrade defence, one TPE doesn't matter since you're going to need around 5-8 TPE upgrade any statistic as that's your goal. On the contrary, if you’re a new player who has 50 defence, that one TPE is an upgrade of an entire skill. This is a huge thing which I failed to consider. Rather than inflating the VHL, giving out free TPE helps balance the TPE. Of course, this entire study is flawed since many inactive players don't see the free TPE however, in a perfect society, free TPE helps more than it hurts. Now that the mistake in my very first article is gone, I shall talk about how we can help balance the league. I refuse to write about anything but economics in the holiday spirit. You know, in the holiday spirit most people are thinking about gifts and family I'm thinking about how I can make an article in the VHL which I’ll review next year for it to make no sense to me and make another article out of it, kind of like a money laundering scheme, at the end of the day all the money (TPE) is mine.


This year, I'll be showing everyone how we can perfectly balance the league to give everyone an equal chance and make it so there is no inequality to make so skill and time don't matter and everything we do is based on luck and what our architecture is. This is how we can make the league boring for everyone and why parity in the league may be a bad thing. So the first thing we want to do to make it equal is to make everyone restart at 100 TPE. What this will do is make it balanced for everyone and make it so that everyone can have an equal chance. Next, we want to discard all methods of earning TPE. Earn one TPE every time to make it fair for everyone. This would make the league incredibly boring. This way, you do nothing in the league. So my friends, since we don't want to do this, parity in the league may be bad. Anyways, let's end this short segment of me  ranting about having parity and I will see you next time, until then this is Dabnad Shaw, signing off, until next time.


Week ending Dec 25 2022

590 words 

Edited by Dabnad
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