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Die Hard is the Best Christmas Movie Ever Made

der meister

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Well here we are, Christmas Day 2022. In some ways it seems like this year has lasted forever, and another ways it feels like it has barely begun. Hard to believe that Russia invaded Ukraine only 8 months ago. Speaking of which, by far the most unique and interesting gift I received today is a piece of t-72 Russian tank, destroyed by the Ukrainians in the Battle of Kyiv, and fashioned into a heavy duty keychain. Still wild to consider the layers of this gift.


On a lighter note, the Seattle Bears lost in three games to the Vancouver wolves and the wild card round of the playoffs. I'm not particularly surprised by that result, though it would have been nice to have a little bit more success than that. I know my player is far from an offensive juggernaut, but it is a little difficult to see how both teams I have been on have been so limited offensively. I really think Seattle needs to beef up the forward group, whether through drafting, internal development, or a big splashy trade or two, but we shall see.

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Article Review:  Obviously this title is click bait.  That said this article does well at evaluating the players perspective on their recent loss in the wild card play in. Seattle probably deserved a slightly better result than being eliminated in 3 straight.  However that isn't the case.  Time to recoup, build some TPE and potentially the GM can make some various changes to allow for a better start to the season.  This article portrays the players frustration.  Good luck in Season 87.  I give this article a 7/10.

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