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A Christmas interview with Wann Kerr


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The Winter holidays mean extra few days off for the players, who can visit their families and enjoy a bit of peace. Some fans of course like it less than others, saying players just get rusty and out of rhythm - we let you decide your stance on this fact. One of the players opting to catch a plane to his homeland was Wann Kerr, a Rome Gladiators center. What's surprising is he managed to make himself available for an online interview for a czech sports magazine during the holidays, a translation of which we bring you in this blog spot.


Note: this interview took place before thr VHLE semi-finals have started.


Wann Kerr is sitting in an office chair, dressed in a christmas jumper with The Lord of the Rings "one does not simply walk into Mordor" graphic, occassionally sipping dark beer. In the background, there is a Christmas tree, and a sizeable snake using the tree as a jungle gym.


Hello again. Last time we spoke, you were an Aces player, now you are with the Gladiators. How different is playing in Europe to playing in North America?
Hello! Well of course the competition is higher in the E that it was in the M, I have to play against faster, stronger, tougher players, and I have to score against better goalies. I mostly try to keep my game the same and work hard as always...yeah.


But you haven't looked out of place for a bit. How happy are you with how the season went both for you and for the team?
We started really strong, I think we won something like first 6 straight games. It really gave us a lot of confidence early on. We eventually came back to earth for a bit, there were some games - especially against Geneva - we probably should have won, but I think we've put together a strong season, finishing 3rd. As for me personally, our GM has really put me in a position to succeed. Being the top scoring forward on the team feels great, but it's just the regular season. Now with the playoffs approaching, we need to carry on playing the way we did.


You're facing the...Bratislava Watchmen in the first round. What's your outlook?
They've always been one of the tougher opponents, the series is definitely gonna be a close one (it was - Gladiators won in 6; editorial note). I can imagine a game or two going into the overtime. We've got strog defense, elite goaltending and we can score some goals, I believe we can win.


Being czech, doesn't playing against a team from Slovakia perhaps make you want to play for them, or maybe for Prague in the VHL?
Of course it would be cool to play at home, close to my loved ones. But I think that ship has sailed. This is my only season in the E, and I'm not planning to leave the Wolves organisation. The only way I'd end up in Prague is if the Wolves traded me there, or didn't offer me an extension - looking for a new job as a free agent, a team being from Prague could be a factor. 


So I take it as there is a good relationship between you and the Wolves?
Oh definitely, I can't wait to join them next season. Frank, the Wolves GM, has been in touch with me since the draft, we had some talks about my role next season and about what areas of the game would be good for me to work at, and stuff like that. I believe it will be a long, mutually beneficial relationship between the Wolves and me.


So what role are you expecting to play in Vancouver next season?
Frank told me I'll probably play my rookie year at the wing, so there is not a great need for me to work on my faceoffs as much as I do, and perhaps allocate the time to work on skating mechanics and puck control. I'm expecting a secondary role with some special teams time. The talent gap between the VHL and the E is really big.


But before that, there's playoffs to be played. Who do you think will be the biggest X-Factors on your team?
Jeremy Swayman in the net has been our MVP all season long, he will play a crucial part in our run. We've got strong players who can step up on every position, but ultimately, I think we're getting as far as Jeremy can drag us.


I hope it will be to the championship title. In Vegas, you were on the team with Victor Hašek, now there is Left Alone, another fellow czech. What's your guys' relationship?
Left is not often present in the locker room, so it's hard to say. We spend more time together on the ice than off the ice to be honest. But it's still great to have another czech in the room, you know, like a little reminder of where I'm coming from.


I can see you're spending the holidays back home. How does it feel to escape from the routine for a couple of days?
I'm actually not home, I'm with my girlfriend's family. It's really great for my mental health, to have a few days off like that. Don't get me wrong, I love playing hockey, but being a professional athlete is incredibly taxing, both physically and mentally. But on the other hand, it makes moments like this even more special.


And a last question, what did Baby Jesus brought you as a gift?
I got a whole bunch of vintage wooden hockey sticks! How cool is that? You know I love playing with the old school Titan sticks, but nowaday it's all carbon and composite materials...there's nothing like a proper wooden stick!


I'm not an active player myself, I couldn't tell. Anyway, thank you for your time, especially now during the holidays. I hope your playoffs go well and we'll talk soon. Merry Christmas!
Thank you, it was my pleasure as always. Happy holidays to you too!


1000+ words

Edited by VattghernCZ
Just added word count
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