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How OP is defense? Noob's experience


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In Gustav's guide to building players, it says defense is, in Gustav's opinion, THE MOST IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTE FOR ANY POSITION OR BUILD.


According to my first VHL mentor Shindigs, defense in the sim basically dictates how often your players has the puck.


So what was my experience? Building a two-way center, I always knew DF would be high on my priority list. I got DF somewhat high in the M, and was able to put up almost 100 points. Not bad, but I also had 60 SC. During JST after I left the M and was able to allocate all my banked TPE, I put it all to DF (and something to FO), so by the start of S86 - when I graduated to the E - my DF was already around 70, but my SC was still 60 and my SK and PH in high 50s. Throughout the year, I mostly focused on upgrading DF. At the end of the season, my player had DF 76, FO 65, SK+PH 64, ST 63, SC+PA 61.


The result of this ultra-DF center build? Team leading 37 goals and 84 points, both top 10 in the league. Now capped in the E finals, with DF 76, SK+PH 66, FO 65, ST+SC 63 and PA 62, my guy is sitting at 5 goals and 7 assists for 12 points (all three stats team leading) in 7 playoff games.


Is defense really that OP? At least below the VHL level? Or am I just being lucky? Can't wait to find out.

Edited by VattghernCZ
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Here’s my player^. I was so garbage the first half of the season with a low TPE build. But near the end of the season I just put all my TPE in DF and now my player is the leading goal scorer in the VHLE playoffs, with SC only at 64. DF seriously is a broken stat and every position needs it if you want to be good.


I’m in the same boat as you building a two way center. I think I want to try having really high DF and PA, and then medium high SC to see if my center will be a playmaking two way wizard haha. Best of luck these finals too!

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DF reigns supreme from the VHLM all the way through the VHL. I'd say there are some really important benchmarks to hit in each of those leagues as a minimum (60 VHLM, 70-75 VHLE, 85 VHL), but I've always seen DF investment pay off. The ability to get the puck is inherently the ability to do something in the sim engine. Can't shoot without the puck, can't make a pass. DF gets you the puck more often.

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Article Review:  It is refreshing to see someone look at prior writings on character builds and do the comparison to their actual experience.  I can't argue against the logic of the writer or the other commenters, DF does seem to be an important statistic.  If anything it may be an improperly named statistic, as it is not the ability to defend ,as in make the correct play in the defensive zone, but the it is more the ability to play man on man hockey.  Defense represents the ability to keep the puck against pressing players or the ability to retain the puck against those pressing you, it is useful in all zones of the ice.


Good luck in the VHL. I give this article a 8/10, would like to hear your thoughts at the end of next season.

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