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How do you make time go by faster?


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"I try to think how I might be feeling right now if I was golfing instead of playing. "


The off-season wait; aarrgghh. If you are anything like me, your team is leading a playoff series 3-2, you are one step away from the finals, but you are sitting there and wondering: "How can time go by so slowly? Why is VHL like this? We need to wait so much after the regular season is over". I am here today to share a few tips that might make the time between games slightly more bearable.


1. Look at your stats
What oftentimes brings me joy is looking at my stats. As I sit admiring my player page, I say to myself: "13 points in 12 games, and there is more to come? Good job, me. You were not lazy in the past, you are a good player because you earned TPE, and because of that you are playing where you should play - in the playoffs".


2. Look how other players are doing
I am a defender. Ever since I was drafted into VHL, I have followed how my fellow defenders are doing. Now as I am waiting for the next game to arrive, I go look around the TPA list to see how it would feel if I played in one of the teams that are still not playing. I picture myself in their uniform. I try to think how I might be feeling right now if I was golfing instead of playing. I do this for a few hours. It is a great way to take your mind off the at times devastatingly boring wait, and I think picturing others' failures makes me appreciate my situation a lot more. Despite the wait and heavy expectations that come with playing in a favorite team - it is still a place where a lot of the players want to be at this time of the year.


3. Plan ahead, prepare yourself
Scholars from way back thought that unfortunate events, such as death, are scary only because people do not think about them; the events come as a surprise because people do not picture such things in their minds. I have adopted that thinking into my life. I have started to prepare myself. Instead of worrying about the worst possible scenario - what if we lose? I spend a lot of time and energy thinking: what if we win? At first, I was excited, thinking about all the parties and good times felt nice. Now after some time, those mental images are a bit stale. Winning does not excite me as much. The more I think about winning, the less I care about winning. Winning has become a mundane thing. Thanks to these moments I have spent daydreaming - time has gone by so fast. Sure, I might be yawning a bit more at the bench, and do I celebrate as aggressively as in the past? No. That is the price you pay sometimes.


These are just a few examples I managed to think of for myself. There are, I imagine, thousands of ways to make the time between games feel less of a wait. One thing will never change though - it will never be 100% fun to wait for games in the playoffs.

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Oddly enough, I almost wish it was slower. Not in length but to have a week where no one can earn TPE so I can plan out my earning without having to earn at the same time or fear falling back a week.  Obviously I am not going to advocate for that as it would be more of a selfish request and taking a week away from those who already find the off season slow wouldn't help with retention I am sure!

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