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Recovering from a less than expected rookie season.


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Recovering from a less than expected rookie season.


The Frenchman is not happy with himself. Sure, none of the rookies got a point per game record. But somehow (also fed by the gm’s thoughts) Frenchie thought he could do it. But after the season coming to an end he ended at a 0.7 point per game. Unacceptable for him and he can’t blame anyone but himself for this. He needs to be better. Especially when looking at the rookies above him. We had a different center who never spent above the 400 tpe score eight more points than him, a player that kept earning and applying the earned tpe weekly.

The only stat that the 400 tpe guy had above him during the seaso, was faceoffs (and it was just marginally). So understandable that he isn’t happy, Even his teammate Gus Bentley who he outearned, he just couldn’t keep up with it. Let’s hope this is not a trend that will continue.

The Frenchman hoped to be a lot closer to a point per game than this and this should hopefully happen next season then. We will not give up and come back stronger, but the Frenchman is out for revenge and right now, he doesn’t care if someone will get hurt along the way.


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