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Laying Down the LA W


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It's a bit delayed, but I didn't have much occasion to write VHL.com articles these past weeks because I've always covered it with a PT. But, let's get to the point anyway--clearly, LA W enforcement this past season came up a bit short. 


I'll admit that I was a bit frustrated to see us lose...and then keep losing...and then keep losing...and then finish off the season with 14 bot starts (although this arguably just kept a few losses off of my player page). It was also a bit frustrating to look at other teams' rosters, know that, yes, we didn't quite stack up to the top, but also weren't that far behind the others. I wasn't a fan of the fact that nothing meaningful was done about that mid-season, but I also understood why we couldn't really do much as we were in the position of having awful sims and not many resources to go around. Our high-TPE vets were rentals, and anyone else worth anything was a young player and a high earner. Trading people away wouldn't have done anything, and we didn't have the picks to buy anyone. And I then had to sit back and watch Vandelay put up his worst statistical season, never win in overtime for some reason, and really only give me a small handful of sims to post his name in.


And that all sucked as the deadline came and went, but from a management perspective I guess I get it. I'm already signed for the next two seasons, and we're giving it another go in this one as we've picked up Vinny Detroit for what I'd consider decent value. Our young players have improved a lot--I'm better, Murray is better, Maloish is better, and we'll at least enter S87 with a decent back end. The same thing concerns me now as it did last season, though, and that's our forward group. Even with the latest upgrade, we've still got 9 players rostered on the portal, about half of which are lower TPE. We'll see if LA can finally turn things around this coming season--and I hope we can. With the goaler market as saturated as it is, and with the player market in general being fairly full, I'm probably locked in on this team for the foreseeable future whether I like it or not--so I hope we're able to make something out of that.

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