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Galvins Presser


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Season 86 VHL Goal Scoring Champion Girts Galvins sat down for a quick press conference with reports on Sunday, here's how it went.. 


Reporter: Hi Girts Congrats on leading the VHL in goals, how does it feel to be the best goal scorer in the league? 


Girts: Hey thanks, to be honest it feels fantastic to lead the league with 54 goals, it was always a dream of mine so it's really something special to achieve, hopefully I can repeat the performance this coming season. 


Reporter: Warsaw fell short in the playoffs, are you discouraged or does this make you more motivated?


Girts: Without question it makes me more motivated, I want to get back to the finals and win the cup again, it's all I think about and I'll continue to play as hard I can to help Warsaw win again. 


Reporter: What do you think Warsaw has to do to get back to the finals?


Girts: Well we just added a strong defenseman in Big Cheese so I think our D will be better this season. We only had Brian Payne as a real high tpe top end D last season so the addition of Cheese should allow us to have a top D on the ice at all times. However we had a huge loss in Vasile Lamb on offense, he had 53 goals and you don't replace that easily, but if we can bring in a solid scoring winger to help out and Girts, Marner and Kissingler can repeat or even improve on their performances and we get solid depth scoring we should have a chance. 


Reporter: Word is you and Vasile Lamb @dlamb are good friends, what will you miss most about having him as a teammate? 


Girts: I will miss a lot, he was always someone I looked up to and leaned on for advice on and off the ice, amazing player, leader and teammate, he was crucial in Girts development, I wouldn't be where I am today without him. It won't be the same without him in Warsaw but I wish him the best wherever he ends up, no question he will be a gigantic addition to any team. One thing I won't miss though is his pre-game dumps, he really stunk up the locker room. 


Reporter:  A little too much info there Girts but thanks. Ok let's finish this up, what's your prediction for this coming season for Warsaw and Moscow? 


Girts: Warsaw will dominate and win the the cup, Moscow will finish in last place and their arena will go bankrupt causing them to move the franchise to Kazahkstan and become the Kahzak Kittens. 


Reporter: Thanks Girts! 

Edited by Girts
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8 hours ago, Girts said:

Reporter:  A little too much info there Girts but thanks. Ok let's finish this up, what's your prediction for this coming season for Warsaw and Moscow? 


Girts: Warsaw will dominate and win the the cup, Moscow will finish in last place and their arena will go bankrupt causing them to move the franchise to Kazahkstan and become the Kahzak Kittens.


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