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Pretty Good VHLE Start from Keno


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Keno has started off the VHLE season with the Oslo Storm and has posted a line of, 

18 GP, 5 Goals, 8 Assists, 13 +/-,  50 HITS, and 3 Game Winners.

Coming into the VHLE, I was told Keno will likely preform horrible early on. Now, by no means am I saying his performance so far within the first couple games of the season have been stellar, but they have been far from horrible, also likely fueled from being on a good team within the Oslo Storm organization as we're currently #2 in the league in terms of record. I've never really looked at +/- to determine if a player is good or not, but no doubt does it look good on the stat sheet. I'm also not exactly sure how Game Winners win, but I do know 3 GW/5 Goals is pretty good, the other 2 are Power Play Goals. I kind of stay having more assists than goals, and I have no idea how to change that, but I'm not complaining, points are great, as long as they benefit my team in some type of way. Honestly, I'm just looking forward to seeing how Keno performs as the season progresses and he continues to earn TPE, I still have career tasks to do and continuing to max earn will likely put me up within the league come playoff time. 

I also just want to make sure everyone knows this,

I am that guy, I am that dude, and I AM HIM.

(253 words) 

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