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Watch Franchise Records in Warsaw


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Dakota Lamb has been one of the top players in Warsaw history, leading the teams all time points. He will be remembered in history as one of the players to generate the Warsaw team to have a place in the league. With 478 games played and 608 points, there is not much you can complain about when it comes to Dakota Lamb and his time in Warsaw. I would not be talking about this feature in Warsaw if it was not for a reason. Yeah many of you probably guessed, that top point spot is in danger. Currently active player Zach Kisslinger is a measly 11 points off from beating this all stars franchise record. Kisslinger has only 452 games played, but 597 points, making him one of the biggest offensive threats in Warsaw history. This captain has yet to slow down as a result of age, and the likelihood of this record being broken in the next few games is extremely high. Kisslinger has been a franchise player for the team and with the team surrounding him, he is able to keep up his high intensity game play. Although this is one record on the edge of being broken, what other Warsaw records are in threat?


Right now, there is not much in threat of being broken. The franchise goals record is currently held by Chris Reynolds with 271 goals in 504 games, and the next closest active player to this total is Zach Kisslinger again, with 233 goals in 452 games. This record will likely be broken as well, but it will likely be broken in season 88. When it comes to the goals category, a player to watch for is Brendan Marner, he currently has 211 goals in only 380 games, so it will be interesting to see if the record will be lit up by Marner instead.


In the category of assists, the record is the only other statistic on the verge of being broken with Victor Grachev currently holding this record with 370 assists in 484 games. It is once again, surprise, surprise, Zach Kisslinger holding the record hostage. With Kisslingers 452 games played, he has 364 assists, that’s only 6 assists off from the record.


One of the areas that is about to be broken is game winning goals. A weird stat to include here, but it is quite important as this is about Warsaws records on the verge of being broken. As Chris Reynolds is in the lead for game winning goals with 41 in 504 games a player NOT by the name of Zach Kisslinger is running up. Brendan Marner is only a few goals away from breaking this record himself. Brendan Marners game winning goals number is at 38, with only 380 games played, this guy is a player that wants to win, and that he does.


Overall, Warsaw is a newer team, but the records that was thought to stay for some generations to come is now in the process of being broken with ease. The players looking to break these records must remember they will be going down in history for seasons to come.

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