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Bana Babs #59


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Bana Blabs #59

S87 VHL Standings


Hello, VHL. Hope everything is going good for each member that is reading this. What's going on with Bana? Got all our documents printed out and loaded into a drive, got all our luggage stuff kind of ready to go, have started very minor small talks and have taken care of other "to do's" for Australia. Crazy to think it's 11 days away. Scary! Also, exciting! For the VHL, we're over half the way to playoffs and theme week/trade deadline are HERE! Kovalchuk is doing good things, Seattle not as much. Let's BLAB!


  • Kovalchuk is doing good this season. That makes me happy. His career feels more alive. No knocks to Prague, I just wasn't super active in there towards the end. Always pop in like I do in London though! Both good places to play. 
  • Seattle sucks something fierce. Can't score goals, can't prevent goals and the roster which looks good on paper, isn't good on the ice. Deadline is on the 20th, right? I'm just trying to remember off the top of my head. Curious to see what there's going to be for movement and whispers this season. Things seem tight!
  • Theme week is an okay idea. I didn't really explore it too much and just did a basic article. Some have actually been cool. For me, it's rarely about what I write about. It's fun to see what others think and write about!



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