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Warsaw-Moscow Rivalry


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Since I started playing for the Warsaw Predators we've always had a great rivalry with the Moscow Menace, who in classic rivalry fashion I refer to as the Moscow Meanies. I've written numerous articles about the Moscow Meanies and how mean they are to play us as tough as they do. These articles are all in good fun and their GM and players even comment or like them so I know they get a kick out of it, or at least I hope they do..


The Warsaw/Moscow rivalry has been a great one for years now, probably before I even became part of it, but since I have been around it was always Warsaw and Moscow battling it out for the European Conference title. No matter how well we were doing in a season, those damn Moscow Meanies were right on our ass and just wouldn't go away. Even that one season we had the best record in the league, Moscow was on us all season and we could never really relax and enjoy it. Then there's been seasons where the two teams flip flopped in the standings all season back and forth, one week we'd be in first the next they'd be in first. It was actually a lot of fun to follow. I can't remember if they ever actually finished ahead of us in the standings, they probably didn't because let's face it Warsaw is better ;)


This rivalry has also been great in the playoffs, we always have hard fought playoff series, we've beaten them recently and they've beat us recently so it's been pretty even for the most part. Except that time we won the cup! I don't think Moscow has won the cup since I've been part of the league, but Warsaw has won it so automatically that makes us better! Especially in my time in the league so that's what I'm going with here lol. So until Moscow beats us in the playoffs en route to the cup while I'm part of the team we have the edge in the rivalry. 


Also let's not forget Warsaw has been cleaning up on personal awards recently and I'm not sure Moscow has won any, I can't think of any of their players names because they just don't leave a lasting memory for me. Warsaw's Brian Payne won a bunch of awards recently as did Girts Galvins and looks like Brendan Marner is going to win MVP this season. I'm probably forgetting some other awards my Warsaw teammates have won in recent years. Maybe Moscow players have won them, I mean it's possible, but probably not, unless they give out a Meanie Award in which case the Moscow Meanies would win it every season! 


All in good fun here fellas, best of luck to you guys in the playoffs.. if you make it. Which you probably won't because Warsaw will pass you, if we're not already ahead of you, which we probably are because we are much cooler, better looking, have a better logo and colors and are just better at hockey. Ok take care. 

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53 minutes ago, Girts said:

I'm not sure Moscow has won any



54 minutes ago, Girts said:

best of luck to you guys in the playoffs.. if you make it. Which you probably won't because Warsaw will pass you, if we're not already ahead of you, which we probably are



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