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The Payne Train is Back!


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The Payne Train is Back!


After an uncharacteristically slow start, the train of Payne is back rolling! Brian Payne of the Warsaw Predators, is Top 5 in assists for all players…(shoutout to Thunder at #1…he’s too 6 in total points for a d man. Pints, assists…those are nice…but in the world of Payne…other stats take center stage!


Top 5 in shots blocked, Payne loves to give up the body for the club…he’s also Top 5 in hits with 273 in 65 games! Damn! You won’t see Payne among the hits take. leaders, because everyone is afraid of that left hand answer to any tomfoolery out there on the rink. 


His biggest attribute and where you will see Brian Payne sitting on the throne is when it comes to penalty minutes or PIMS….226 pims through 65 games…he’s holding on to the number one spot by more than 35 minutes! It’s a good thing he likes audio books, cuz Payne spend plenty of time in the sin bin. Keep your head up when you’re on the tracks…cuz the Payne train is back and coming in hot! 

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