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Can Bobby Ricky stop himself?


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Can Bobby Ricky stop himself?


With his rush of goal scoring this season in Ottawa, you would think that Bobby Ricky would be having a great time as it was evident in last week’s article that all he cared about was scoring goals. However, his “energy boost” has become a serious condition for him as he continues to just skate off the ice whenever he wants to so he can take his “energy boost”. Its pretty clear that he continues to have his addiction to cocaine that can only be a bad sign for his future mental health and physical stability as he goes forward into his hockey career.


The Ottawa Lynx have made no comment on Bobby’s addiction to cocaine but multiple reports have surfaced stating that an inside man in the Lynx organization is supplying Bobby with all the cocaine his can snuff up his nose as long as he keeps scoring goals. Where is all the money coming from to pay for the cocaine? Tune in next week to find out



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