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New York once outshot Calgary 100-26 and lost


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Inspired by the seven-OT game three between Cologne and Oslo, I wanted to do a bit of research to figure out the most most saves ever made in a VHL game. Obviously with a game like that, there's going to be curiosity about potential records, and that's where I started my investigating. In the Cologne/Oslo match-up, Storm goalie Basileus Jute made an impressive 126 saves on 129 shots (92 consecutive from the 3rd period onward) to win the game for his team. Justin Lion topped out at 80 consecutive saves and honestly, that's kind of pathetic.


So anyway, that was quite the battle between those two teams, but back to my investigating. I don't know how accurate the records tab is in the index, and I know that it only goes back to S20, so there could be no definite way to find the record. The high shot total on that page shown is 100 shots. This was accomplished by New York in S36 and Warsaw in S81 (the rest of the top ten are all 90+ and those all happened from S80 to S82). I looked up that New York 100 shot game, and what I found was incredible.




Calgary was very bad this season. New York was not great either, finishing with the third worst record, but they were no where near as bad as Calgary. Just look at the Wranglers roster in that game. Anyway, Calgary's goalie Rock Star made 97 saves on 100 shots while his counterpart NYA G also allowed three goals, but on just 26 shots. The game went to a shootout, where Rock Star did not allow a goal, winning the game for the Wranglers (one of just six for the team, that season).

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17 hours ago, scoop said:

the rest of the top ten are all 90+ and those all happened from S80 to S82


Gee, I wonder why.


That 100-26 game is nuts and I can only imagine what it was like to be part of it. 


I'm curious what led to the shots per period in the E matchup being fairly low (especially in each OT). Maybe even the automatic 99 stamina starts wearing off after a while.

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