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Jacob Stone surprised to be named Malmo captain


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I can't say that I thought even for a second that I would be voted captain of the Malmo Nighthawks this season, but I was. It's really an honor, though I don't feel like I've earned it. Granted, we don't have players on the roster who would be an obvious selection. We don't have many veterans on the roster, and we don't have many players who have been with a team for a while. The player who best fits both of those is goaltender Boris Tsezar, who has played his last four of five total seasons in Malmo, but he did not want to be voted captain. Saku Kotkakoivu is the most veteran player on the team, but he just joined Malmo (and quite frankly, isn't all that active anymore). Kotkakoivu was voted as one of the alternates, with the other being Yaroslav Trunov. Trunov, playing in his second season, is who I was expecting to win the captain vote.


At any rate, I have been named captain. I am the first rookie captain in Malmo history. This is actually the third player of mine who was made captain as a rookie, with the previous two being Samuel Gate (QUE, S61) and Diana Maxwell (STO, S50). Neither of those two had long tenures as captain, but I hope that is different with Stone. Gate didn't remain captain beyond S62 because my activity level dropped substantially, and Maxwell was traded after just one season in Stockholm. I intend to stay as active as I am now, and I hope to not be traded. As I mentioned previously, I don't really feel like I earned it this time, but I'm going to try to make sure I earn it in future seasons. I want to play out a full nine-year career in Malmo, and now that I've been made captain as a rookie, I feel like I have to try to make sure I don't let go of it.

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