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First Goal Bliss


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In his 6th game of the season, first year VHLM player Zyn Weswtood finally potted his first goal of his career. It came in the second period against the San Diego Marlins assisted by Leo Lewkowicz and Dank Turtle. His first few games found himself on the teams 3rd line but over the past two games, the coach trusted him enough to promote him to the first line right wing position. This is a spot he will look to hold on to for the remainder of the season. We caught up with Westwood briefly after his first goal:




“It felt great, definitely a monkey off the shoulder. I didn’t like my first few games in the VHLM but lately I feel like I am finding my groove. I’m happy to get my first, but the work is just beginning now. I want to become a legitimate first line scorer and help the Aces win a championship this year”


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