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Otis Boudreaux Jr - Continuing His Development

Ozzy Batty

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Otis Boudreaux Jr, a name with a history and a player with no where to go but up. Yea, that is how I feel. I was drafted by the Saskatoon Wild and joined the team with so many big dreams. I figured that all I would need to do what I had been doing and the goals, the assists, the accolades and the wins, would continue. I joined a team of players who all wanted to get better and we felt that the world was ours to take.

Then the season started. We just could not find our stride. Loss followed loss. Those close games just were not falling our way. Every team faces those 1 goal losses, but we seemed to be getting more than our fair share of them. I could not start to think if I was part of the problem. Hitting the net, beating the opposition goalie, used to be second nature. But every missed shot, every errant pass, they all seemed to eat away at my confidence. 


Then came that game against Mexico City. The arena at home was full. I cannot help but wonder why they were there. We just were not playing that well. But that night felt different, it seemed like I was in the zone again and my mojo had snuck back into me. The game was tied 2-2 and went into overtime. We all know the rules, if we can score 2 and maintain that lead, we win. But we know how the season has been, but tonight was different. Maybe part of it was the fact that not only had I scored 1 goal, I had actually scored 2. Both of the goals in regular time were mine. I just felt I couldnt miss.

Monty Burns was our first shooter. He took the puck and moved swiftly down the ice, moving the puck from side to side. No one is really sure how he even did it, but the siren went off, the lights flashed in the arena as he gave us that all important first goal. Mexico City's Noel Roux Jr took the puck and tried a shot to Goalie Joseph Reed's stick side and he deftly knocked the puck aside. Then it was my turn, they were not going to stop me! I got the puck and smoothly moved it from side to side, it was like practice, I was back home, just me, the stick and the puck. I picked up speed and ducked my head to the left as I switched the puck to my right and tucked the puck into the open net. He had fallen for my head bob! I had done my part, now it was up to Joseph Reed again. He faced Mexico's Alex DeLuca and just like he had practiced it, smoothly snatched the puck out of the air with his open glove. 

I had my first multi-goal game and had earned the 1st star! What a game!! We went on to win the next 2 games, scoring in 1 and getting the assist in the other. At this point in the season I have 6 goals and 6 assists. But more importantly, we are winning now!

I hope it continues, not only me getting points for the team, but being able to play my part in us getting those all important wins. Damn, I love this game!

Word count: 568
Claimed: Week of 16 Apr

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