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Is it Time to replace Theme Week, or maybe kill it all together


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I was reading a few media spots and found one on retro Theme week topics which provided an evaluation of those topics from the authors perspective. As everyone expects there were a few topics on the list that got good reviews, some that got bad reviews and some that were just mediocre. 


It was one of the responses to the article that got me thinking. In the comments to the post someone wrote (and I am paraphrasing): picking good Theme week topics has been difficult for some time, we are bored of the process, the league is lucky we continue it because those running it are bored of doing it. 


The reality is we all get bored of things and when you have done something for at least 20 seasons (given the original article was looking at season 60 Theme weeks) they would have picked the best ones first. So yes, I bet we are getting increasingly boring topics now.  


That brings us to the topic of this article, why not stop it? If people complain about theme week every time, if those running it are bored and it is not a necessity of the league then why not stop it. Some might argue that it should be replaced so that everyone can get the same amount of TPE as they did while it existed. Okay fine then replace it, make people do something else just as time consuming and tedious. Do not give it a theme, make people write a second article or do a second graphic to get the points.  


Just my thoughts 

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50 minutes ago, JCarson said:

That brings us to the topic of this article, why not stop it? If people complain about theme week every time, if those running it are bored and it is not a necessity of the league then why not stop it.

TBH it's less that we're bored of it and more just that we gotta come up with something new every 2 months and then a majority of people just shit on it anyway. It kinda turns into a bit of "why am I bothering to come up with this if everyone is just gonna hate it anyway."

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2 hours ago, Beketov said:

TBH it's less that we're bored of it and more just that we gotta come up with something new every 2 months and then a majority of people just shit on it anyway. It kinda turns into a bit of "why am I bothering to come up with this if everyone is just gonna hate it anyway."


I’ve always wished the league could change Theme Week to an Off Season task. I’m not sure what the tasks would be but leagues like ISFL and SHL do it. They call it championship week or whatever it is and they’re fun to do at the end of each season.


I don’t know if the updaters would do it, or if we could hire a team of members for TPE each off season to look through everyone’s work for that week.

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3 minutes ago, AJW said:


I’ve always wished the league could change Theme Week to an Off Season task. I’m not sure what the tasks would be but leagues like ISFL and SHL do it. They call it championship week or whatever it is and they’re fun to do at the end of each season.


I don’t know if the updaters would do it, or if we could hire a team of members for TPE each off season to look through everyone’s work for that week.

I mean that’s just theme week but literally the same theme every single season isn’t it? Plus putting it in the off season means brand new recreates get even more TOE which we have tried to avoid, that’s why it’s the week before the deadline.


As for updaters I’m not sure why that would be an issue that we would need to address?

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5 minutes ago, Beketov said:

I mean that’s just theme week but literally the same theme every single season isn’t it? Plus putting it in the off season means brand new recreates get even more TOE which we have tried to avoid, that’s why it’s the week before the deadline.


As for updaters I’m not sure why that would be an issue that we would need to address?

Why shouldn’t they be allowed to get a lot of TPE quick? If we value it the same as Theme Week then that’s only 6 TPE. And that’s if they do it.


The updaters aren’t an issue!! Sorry I didn’t mean it like that I just didn’t know if that would be their responsibility or not.

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4 minutes ago, AJW said:

Why shouldn’t they be allowed to get a lot of TPE quick? If we value it the same as Theme Week then that’s only 6 TPE. And that’s if they do it.


The updaters aren’t an issue!! Sorry I didn’t mean it like that I just didn’t know if that would be their responsibility or not.

I just don’t see why it wouldn’t be the updaters since it would just be the same thing but at a different time. That’s also why I don’t see a point though. How is that not just theme week but moved and with the same theme every time?

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1 hour ago, Beketov said:

I just don’t see why it wouldn’t be the updaters since it would just be the same thing but at a different time. That’s also why I don’t see a point though. How is that not just theme week but moved and with the same theme every time?

I think it’s fun. You don’t have to like it but idk I do. And yes the updaters are good to do it I was over thinking it.

Edited by AJW
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3 hours ago, Beketov said:

TBH it's less that we're bored of it and more just that we gotta come up with something new every 2 months and then a majority of people just shit on it anyway. It kinda turns into a bit of "why am I bothering to come up with this if everyone is just gonna hate it anyway."

This is an attitude I cannot get behind (not yours, the 'haters'). I mean it is 'free' TPE and if I have to invent a topic to write my MS about or get one given (for double the TPE) I do not care, in fact, I prefer it that way. I mean if people do not like the theme, they do not have to participate, or even better, come up with better ideas themselves. I am sure such participation would be appreciated by the powers to be...

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I think Theme Week is a great opportunity for members of all kinds to get some direct and simple direction on how to approach a point task and get more bang for their buck. The amount of first gens I've seen take the leap into earning more through Theme Week is more than one might expect, and even if the themes are lame, which of course they would be, there's only so much to talk about, it is an initiative that unites the league and drives creativity through creative restraint. That's the real value.

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