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sunday bullets 5/7


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  • Wolves are rollin. We look to be secure in a Wildcard spot. We've been quite successful recently and against playoff teams, at that. Analfist has been decent, but been on a more secondary role with the team. I'm totally fine with his play, as I'm more interested in seeing VAN City get success then Analfist. WIth that being said I want him to be an effective player, and he's been solid with 20 points in 64 games. Overall I think the season has been fun to follow, but I hope to help the team more in Playoffs and next season.
  • Maple Leafs are breaking my heart. Fuckin team has been solid, but they just can't get the job done. It's tough to watch. I don't even know how to eleborate on this lol. Just sad.
  • The weekend was pretty solid. Watched UFC last night and today went out for my first round of golf for the season. Didn't play the best but definitely nice to get out and get the first swings of the year out of the way!
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On 5/8/2023 at 10:52 AM, STZ said:

Wolves are rollin. We look to be secure in a Wildcard spot. We've been quite successful recently and against playoff teams, at that. Analfist has been decent, but been on a more secondary role with the team. I'm totally fine with his play, as I'm more interested in seeing VAN City get success then Analfist. WIth that being said I want him to be an effective player, and he's been solid with 20 points in 64 games. Overall I think the season has been fun to follow, but I hope to help the team more in Playoffs and next season.

It has been a team effort and I think the nice part of the whole team is the fact that we are all putting the team before our own stats. Bouchard has struggled in the past four or five games but I couldn`t careless since the team is winning and we might even finish third in the conference depending on the games tomorrow against Calgary. It has been one of the best season I have been a part of in the while with the up and down nature, trades etc.... making every week like a different box of chocolate.


On 5/8/2023 at 10:52 AM, STZ said:

Maple Leafs are breaking my heart. Fuckin team has been solid, but they just can't get the job done. It's tough to watch. I don't even know how to eleborate on this lol. Just sad.

I am not a Leafs fan and I wanted to get behind them as they made the run towards the cup as the path has been cleared for them but wow, I cannot think that they could wash-up like this in the second round going out most likely in four or five. While they could just be writing a better story with a reverse sweep coming as they march to win the cup but I cannot see them winning a game at the moment. Weep!

On 5/8/2023 at 10:52 AM, STZ said:

today went out for my first round of golf for the season.

Haven`t played in years and this is part of why I miss Canada as the fees here are so expensive and you have to be part of the Club which means even more fees. I am more of a walk up, wack the ball and enjoy the walk type of golfer myself since i have never been that good!! LOL!!

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