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Best of the Rest: Shouting Out Underrated Player on Underperformed Teams


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As S88 regular season wraps up, there are some VHLM players who deserve recognition. These players may not be the stars of their teams and these teams might not have had the best season, yet these players have put in a good effort on the ice, even if it hasn't resulted in more wins. These players also give their teams with hope that the next season can be better. As such here are four player who need more love than their teams can provide.


For the Las Vegas Aces, I have decided to cover the left winger from Germany, Paul Cramer. @Paul Cramer In the 58 games Paul has played played, he has 7 goals and a solid 23 assist for a total of 30 points. The Aces have had an 18 carat run of misfortune this season and that has shown up in Paul's +/- and in all of the players on this list. Yet he has been a proven set up man on a team not quite ready to challenge the big boys. With some more blue liners and development in net, Paul and the Aces should be ready to sit at the contenders' table possible as soon as next season.


On the Miami Marauders, I feel that Canadian center Lim Jahey @Cuffy deserve more recognition. In his 66 games of action, Lim has produced 21 goals and 34 assist for 55 points which is impressive for a 100 TPA player. He has also been a clutch scorer, with 5 game winning goals, 3 power play goals and a short handed goal. The Marauders have suffered from a very small crew this season, but with a bunch of new mates, Lim and the Marauders could cruise to a cup.


Serbian D-man Darko Alexander Malkovich @AColdCanadian of the Saskatoon Wild, gets my next shout out.  He has had 13 goals and 53 assist in 66 games this season. He has also produced 226 hits and 8 power play goals. He has been great for a team that many feel should have been better. The only thing that I can point to as a cause for the disaster of a season is less than avrage goaltending in a division with some top tier netminders. Not that I blame one person but some development in net would help the Wild out in  the future.


Last among the players I will shout out today is American right winger Lucky Mitts @Gmoneyman52 currently of the Ottawa Lynx. In 67 games Lucky has produced 30 goals and 39 assist for a nice 69 points. Lucky has been a solid part of a rebuilding team. It has been a very painful season after winning the championship last season.  We all can only hope that the first overall pick in the S89 draft will help turn this team around. 


The VHLM can be a cruel league full of disappointment. These players have done well in spite of their teams' no so good season. They all deserve a pat on the back for all they have done for their teams. My hope is that their efforts will be better rewarded by their teams next season.



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Article review:  I always love an article that doesn't focus on the top performers.  We all know who carried the team, who scored the most or who had the best GAA, but do we ever stop to look at the rest.  The grinders, the playmakers, the teammates that show up game in and game out to be the support that they need to be.  Not everyone can be the top goal scorer, someone needs to flll in the gaps. Great article, keep up the good work.


I give this article a 9/10

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