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Logan at his wedding talking to his dad


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Logan Foley nervously adjusts his bowtie on his tuxedo. It was finally time for his wedding to his fiance Izumi, and very few in the small community building in Long Island New York were as nervous as him. He and Izumi had agreed to get married once Logan actually got called up to the VHL with the Malmo Nighthawks during the off-season, and once he got the call they immediately started to put thier wedding into action.


 "Come on now Logan you look fine" his father Jack Foley says as he sees his son pace back and forth "you are more nervous than the time you were in your first playoffs in the VHLM. I remember when you kept calling me to vent your nervousness, thank God I have unlimited long distance calling..."


 "Dad look, hockey is easy for me." Logan says before his dad started rambling "Well, maybe not easy, but it does seem to come naturally if nothing else. Love however is a completely different beast"


 "Well do you truly love this girl?" Jack asks "or do you believe that you do?"


 "Well, yes I do. I do believe that she is the one for me"


 "Then everything will be completely alright." Jack smiles reassuringly at his son before putting a hand on his shoulder "if not, then it just was not meant to be. By the way, did you manage to get the house in Malmo?" 


 "Yep!" Logan smiles "It's a nice two story house in a suburb pretty close to the Nighthawks arena. It's even got a big basement that I plan to turn into an area for all my hockey history and whatever Izumi would want to also put in there"


 "I see. Son I am extremely proud of you, I don't know if I have told you that recently. I mean,my son is a hockey player going into the highest level of play in the VHL! I always believed in you, but I will be honest and say that this is still extremely surreal for me."


 "I know Dad, it's the same way for me" Logan chuckles a bit


 "You have been keeping in touch with your agent right? I feel like he has to have been hard at work getting you the best contract that he can get"


 "Well yeah I have been keeping in contact with him, but I feel like taking a team friendly deal will be better for us both" Logan shrugs "I don't need much money, I am a pretty simple guy"


 "I know you are son" Soon after, Logan goes out to the aisle to await his bride. When he and Izumi eventually say thier vows, Logan had this to say:


 "My dear Izumi, I promise that I will do my absolute best to be the best husband I can be. I will give you the love you absolutely deserve, and the love that we will have will burn even brighter then the fury that I will display on the ice."


 Soon after, they were officially declared husband and wife, and Jack had to hold himself back from crying. The married couple would hold a toast to their love, family, and hockey at the reception.

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