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Kerr spending the offseason in BC


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The Wolves' postseason has been cut short by Seattle once again. With no hockey left to be played, some players booked golf courses and others returned back home to their families. After a proper goodbye party, of course.


For Wann Kerr, this offseason will be different. Since he's got no family to go home to, and since his Czech girlfriend has moved in with him in his Bowen Island apartment, he's staying in BC, working out some quirks in his game with Laurent Gauvreau, the team's skating coach.


"I feel like I'm not getting moving as quickly as I'd like to, and I'm losing too much speed when cornering. It's limiting my game too much," said Kerr.




For a puck carrying forward like Kerr, skating is really important area of the game. We don't need to dive into stats here, the eye test is enough to see Kerr is one of the less effective players on transition, which was obviously hurting the Wolves' offense. Just like in the offensive zone, where his not-so-great skating often allowed the defending team to get into position to limit Kerr to low danger shots.


"He's not a *bad* skater. Yes, his stride is too choppy, his edgework needs some work, but he's very strong, he's got good balance and knee extension, all the fundamentals of a good skater. And with a bit of work, he could be a great one," said Gauvreau about Kerr.


Needless to say, we can't wait to aee the results. At least because it will mean hockey is back in Vancouver.

Edited by VattghernCZ
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