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Bana Blabs Down Under #73


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🇦🇺Bana Blabs Down Under #73🇦🇺



S88 VHL Index

S88 VHL Playoffs



Hello, everyone! I hope that you are all doing well and making it through the week. This weekend is a long weekend in Western Australia so we’re going to do a few things. Friday night I think we’re just going to get a bottle of wine and play a new board game we got from Amazon. Saturday we’re going to do a little store hopping around and then are going to a rugby game on Saturday night. It will be our first rugby game we’ve ever attended. Sunday and Monday we’re not too sure yet but I’m sure there will be a lazy day in there too lol hop on over to the VHL and the playoffs have just ended. The London United are this seasons, continental cup champions! A cool little piece of league, history. Offseasons here, lots to blab about.


  • For whatever reason, I just haven’t felt this player like I have players of the past. They just haven’t lived up to what I wanted them to be and maybe the way that we build our players changed, and that affected it as well. I know Spartan Lakes to kick around. The old Banner is retiring joke but I don’t often do it with my players. We’ll see over the next couple days maybe.. 
  • A tough loss for Seattle. Being up three games to one is almost a shoo-in for a victory. I do think that Seattle played better than London almost every game, but the penalty kill for London and the power-play for Seattle. I think was a big changing factor of the series. There was one game where Seattle went 1/8, 0/5 and stuff like that. Won’t win games that way. 
  • This is the quick little blab that I get out of the way. For my player, I’m unsure what position I’m going to be. I’m leaning towards centre or goalie, but not 100% sure at the moment. What do you think?
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2 hours ago, Banackock said:

I’m leaning towards centre or goalie, but not 100% sure at the moment. What do you think?

I would say Goalie since it looks like the league is have a bit of a down turn in high-end tenders at the moment but than again I am leaning towards Tender in S93 so maybe steer clear so I can claim all the awards. Actually I think I might try something new with my next player but I still have a few season to decide if I am going to do that or go with the original plan of going goaltender this time.

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