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Ben Laas starts his VHLE career


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Well last we knew of Ben Laas he had won the JST tournament which Is really just kind of something fun, but It meant something to Ben a lot as there were some teams that were definitely more talented, but the Brigade showed the other teams that teamwork makes the dreamwork. So now VHLE started. When Dusty landed in Istanbul he was definitely feeling uncomfortable as It was somewhere different and just not as maybe homey feeling as saskatoon felt, but even then Ben just as with the VHLM his goal is getting to the VHL mainly. So he put In the work and awaited his time where he Is now. With Istanbul so far through 6 games he has 0 goals, 4 assists, 20 shots, 8 Penalty minutes, 15 hits, and 10 shots blocked.

So It's not the most brightest thing on the ice, but Ben Is trying to always improve his production as he has dumped some time into his offensive vision as maybe if he just shoots a ton it might just get passed to a teammate and be an assist. His plus minus is +2 and when you're trying to make sure your plus minus isn't negative you don't complain about anything positive. So till next time my friends. Ben Is just trying to focus on getting better and constantly watching the VHL as his VHL team DC continue to play hockey. One day Ben will see himself there! 

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