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Logan and Izumi Settling in


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 "If nothing else, at least I got a goal so far" Logan Foley shrugs as he talks to his newlywed wife Izumi "but yeah it's been a bit of rough going so far for the Malmo Nighthawks, but I am determined to keep going like I always have"


 "Well I am determined to keep decorating this house Logan" Izumi replies. She and Logan have been working hard to make their new house in Malmo Sweden truly feel like a home. They already had a dog and tons of furniture, but still needed some details to truly make it feel like home "now can you hand me that framed newspaper?"


 "Sure enough honey" Logan smiles as he hands her the newspaper "is this your first ever cover story?"


 "Yep! I'm not expecting a Pulitzer Prize for this or anything like that- dear Lord if I won a prize like that I'd probably faint during the presentation- but I am extremely proud of this and it represents how hard I have been working on these stories."


 "Well you do have a bit of insider knowledge on everything involving the Nighthawks" Logan says as he walks up to her


 "Heh you dork" Izumi smiles "anyways, I took Shadow out earlier so I do not think that I have much to do right now"


 "Well we better go grocery shopping at least, we are running out of coffee and you know how grumpy I can be without my morning coffee"


 "Oh gosh do I do" Izumi sighs "I can get pretty grumpy without it as well. Yeah we can go grab some stuff, and maybe grab some food for dinner because I don't think ether of us feel like cooking"


 "You are right, I do not feel like doing that" Logan chuckles as they leave thier cottage like house and head to a small local grocery store. As they walk around the store and pick up food and other stuff, Logan keeps getting noticed and let's himself take photos with some fans. Izumi watches as he does that but is interrupted by a young woman getting her attention.


 "Umm hello my name is Ebba" the woman nervously says "I read some of your articles on the Nighthawks and the one article on bear hibernation"


 "Oh wow I did not actually think I had fans" Izumi giggles a bit nervously before collecting myself "usually it's my husband that gets all the attention" 


 "Well I am trying to become a reporter too, so I am wondering how you got your job?" Ebba asks


 "Well I got noticed first in Japan for various articles on baseball, but moved here to cover hockey and fell in love with all the people and the area itself. You just gotta keep trying your best to get good stories" Izumi explains


 "I want to say her first big story was on me in Stockholm, but that would be a lie" Logan chuckles


 "I see! Thank you for your time Izumi" Ebba says as she waves goodbye to them both


 "Hey now you know that you have at least one fan" Logan smiles


 "Yeah that does make me feel good" Izumi smiles "anyways, where are these meatballs..."

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