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Eagles gives up A


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While this happened at the start of the season, many news media did not pick up the story until now but it has been rumored and now confirmed that Henry Eagles  gave up his A to give to Nico Pearce.


"It's true, as soon as I found out we traded for Nico, I offered up my letter to him right away" Henry says "he deserves it, he has had a great career and it would be amazing for him to win the cup with us and with a letter on his shirt. He was our old captain and I wouldn't have felt right heading into the season if he didn't have a letter"


The move was seen as a positive throughout the Wolves team and the fan base. It also seemed to motivate the team as they currently sit in 3rd place in the NA conference.


" To me the main goal this season is to get Pearce that cup and for him to do it with Vancouver would be amazing" Henry continued "the team is doing everything we can to get into the playoffs and then go on a long run. We have a solid team on paper and should be the favorites to win...we need to win for Nico. He deserves it"

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