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Commish for a Day - Nerji


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Yay I get to be commissioner for a day! I mean really it's not something I'd be into as I'm sure it's a lot of work and I'm already super busy but this way could be fun! I'm still relatively new to the VHL though so I haven't really found any real pain points or things I'd change.


The VHLE: I suppose this is one thing I'd change, and I'd probably remove the VHLE and expand the TPE allowed in the VHLM. For myself I joined and had only a single season with my VHLM team (the Mississauga Hounds) before getting the call up. Would have been nice to get a couple season in under my first team before going up tho the minors. I do like the idea behind the VHLE but I also think it would be nicer to have an expanded minors career. There are also so many bots on teams in both the VHLE and VHLM that it would be nice to have more actual players filling the available slots.


The Player Store: I'd like to see more clarify on the various items in the store. I may be missing a description somewhere aside from the one in the store but I did nearly buy a couple items then rolled it back. An example is the Point Task Upgrade. It says "Adds 1 Capped TPE to your weekly point task (media spot, graphic, etc.) Remains active for 8 weeks of the season." so I was under the assumption I could buy it and for 8 weeks I'd get an extra TPE point available. I still don't think I fully understand what it actually means but it didn't mean what I thought. it's the same thing as the VHL.com/Radio Upgrade option as well. Might be real clear for players that have been around a bit but I was confused for sure.


Mobile Apps: I swore I read there was a mobile app at one time but I couldn't find the post again. I guess you can view the site on your phone as is but I thought it might be cool to see some of the player management stuff in an app. Or the stats both player and team along with standings. Who knows what else you could pack into there but after reading about the old app I was intrigued.


Recruitment/Retention: As with any sort of online league like this, it's important to both recruit fresh people and keep the ones we have. I think the league does a great job with the welfare option for those short on time but maybe some more outreach could be done to see why others have left. I am not familiar with the current league activities surrounding these two things so maybe it's already underway but just something I thought of.


Outside of that, I don't think there is much I'd change as I really enjoy the league as it stands now. I thank those in charge now and with various jobs in the league as you keep things running for everyone to enjoy.


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