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VLG Commish


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So, If I was commish for a day.... 


We'll keep the state of mind that if you make the people happy they won't whine when you make decisions for yourself. Yes you want it to be your way but if you get overthrown you no longer have the power so you need to avoid that from happening. What makes the people happy ? the feeling of having power, that when a decision is made they were involved in it. So what you're going to do is make some referendum for some things that the people have been asking.


For example hybrid attributes, I will be honest I don't care about that but it looks important for some people so you make them happy by making a poll for or against that will determine the outcome. Now the people or happy they had a feeling of power in a decision so you can do something for yourself. 


Now, you're going to do a VHL expansion. Where ? Montreal. I'd like to see what people would have to say against that. Expansion maybe but the choice of city you litterally can't. But, it takes time to find a good professional logo and a team name. Now, the first thing I noticed about the Hounds is that the log was made by Marko Berovic on Dribble. There he sells many sports logo for around 100$. Now I don't know if that guy is in the VHL or if we bought him the logo but I assume it's probably the 2nd option. (https://dribbble.com/MarkoBerovic/shots) Now what you can do is make a contest in the VHL for people to name that Montreal team and make a logo you can make 1 or 2 tournament. The winner could get like tpe or something like that cause you're a cheap leader. That way, you save money, time and the people are happy cause they feel like they have power in decision making.


Now the team is created YPE but there's one group of people out there with a big question mark above their head, VHL gms! How will this expansion draft work? So the NHL has a 7 F, 3 D, 1 G or 8 skaters 1 G. Obviously you can't do that in the VHL otherwise Montreal would be full of Bots. You could make the 8 skaters, 1 Goalie and Montreal would be a team with 16 400 and around tpe players. This means you can't allow them to pick one player from every team. Now... the league is at an un-even amount of teams and 8 players for the expansion team is better then 16 players for the expansion team. For the protection we're going to go for 8 players protected ( goalies and skaters combined). The question mark is prospects so we're going to make it so that all players above 300 tpe drafted more then 1 season ago ( so it it occured this off-season S88 players above 300 tpe would be available). To avoid the team only drafting 300 tpe players we're going to make a rule that says you can't draft more then 3 players under 400 tpe in the expansion draft.



I hinted something a bit in the last paragraph... you're also going to make an expansion team in the Europe conference. Same thing as the Montreal team for the logo and Name but for the city we're doing a tournament with the following cities: Paris, Lisbon, Berlin, Athenes, Madrid, Barcelona, Saint-Petersburg, Bucharest, Budapest, Vienna, Monaco, Milan, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Munich, Brussels, Dublin, Kyiv, Manchester, Zagreb, Zurich, Florence, Krakrow, Lyon, Marseille, Glasgow , Porto,  Bologna, Belgrade, Sofia, Minsk, Ibiza. So we have a 32 cities tournament. You can leave like a 48 hours per round time and 1 week before starting the votes so people have time to make their media spot and graphic. Now, the people feel like all decision is in their hand. While you, you're simply getting more activity and don't have to spend money for logos + you get a team in montreal. 


Also, you make yourself the gm of Montreal of course.


Now, we have our 2 expansion teams and the restrictions for player protection and eligibility. You have 2 plans on the table. 1) the simple one or 2) the fun one. Plan 1 is the 8 players drafted by mtl are one for each team in the NA conference and vice-versa for the european one. plan 2 you have a combined draft. So each turn they select a player from the pool ( max 1 player from each team). Also forgot to mention, like the vegas draft teams can make trade with the expansion teams for them to draft or not draft a specific player. 


Now that you're done with the expansion stuff, you're on to new plans. You make the BOG have a word in everything especially hirings and teams stuff. Obviously you had yourself to the BOG as Bog chief which adds you 3 votes instead of 1. This is in case someone comes back from IA and has power. You made this decision with the BOG cause they're all IA and you want to discretely keep some power in decisions after that one day expires.


What do you want? you want to the VHL community to grow. How do you do that? you make partnership with the NHL, you got more money now and you may or may not hold some incriminating folders about Gary Bettman. But that's not enough, you're going to dm every famous people on instagram and Tiktok from athletes, influencers, politicians etc everyone. I mean, at least one of them will reply and join right ? I mean it's pretty much guaranteed that at least one person joins maybe even more. With famous people, your marketing grows even more. Fans will want to join if their idol is there. Obviously most of them will go IA but there's gonna be some staying that's for sure. The fact the NHL isn't as big as the MLB,NBA,Premier League, NFL, Bundesliga etc makes it even more probable that players and famous hockey youtubers reply. 


Now we're on to your final action before we split into 2 branches of outcomes. This decision is once again a people pleaser. You don't care about that stuff but if the people are happy your seat is even more powerful cause there's less chances it gets overthrown. This decision is to add a team Greenland to the WJC and the WC. 


Now, we're at the split outcomes. There's one if the people end up cheering you and liking you the other one is if they despise you and try to overthrow you.


If they like you, you make a post that will be hyped everywhere with suggestions for the future. The media spot won't be revealed until S113. In that post you'll make the idea of having the VHLA (VHLM) for Asian Teams, VHLE for European teams and the VHL with teams from north and south america. This will be possible cause all of the celebs and their community that joined helped grow the vhl a lot. 


Now, if the people don't like me at the end of the day. Well, you change the VHL to the VLG Forum and you unban everyone. Also, you put regression at 50%. You remove the VHLM and the VHL, now everyone is stucked in an overhwhelmed VHLE.


( for pretty obvious reasons most of the stuff stated in this article is satire, i'm not an evil dictator or somehting) ( altough most of the decisions would still be made except for the outcome where i'm not loved)



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