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On a bright summer afternoon, second-year HC Davos Dynamo AGM Kirby takes a seat at her desk, running on nothing but coffee and the tears of the other 15 VHL teams. As she opens up her laptop, an email greets her: YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BECOME VHL COMMISH FOR A DAY!


Well, that opens up a lot of opportunities, doesn’t it? Even if it’s only for 24 hours, that can give someone a lot of power to make or break the league with their propositions. So what would Kirby do if given that opportunity?


1. Add player photos to the VHL Portal!


Inspired by the EFL and SBA Portals and a post from jhatty8, which I will link below, I believe adding player pictures to the portal would add more immersion to the league. Because while we do have player graphics for point tasks that show off real-life NHL renders for players, seeing that player’s picture in the portal would simulate a real player’s statistical page if you were to visit a website like NHL.com or ESPN, and it could make way for some funny memes as well for those not using real player likenesses. Plus, for our GFX folks, it’d be easier to seek out the names of other members’ preferred renders for graphic-making opportunities! I know I could definitely benefit from this addition, and I would love to see a picture of Jordan Binnington representing Lachlan on my page whenever I visit. Just gives it that extra bit of flair.



2. Contract the VHLE!


I’m not sure how viable this next one is and while it’s not as dire as completely eradicating the VHLE, I’ve definitely noticed its GMs scrambling to sign inactive players because their rosters aren’t filled out with active ones, which is honestly a little discouraging to see, as well as some players wanting to make the jump from the M to the VHL right away and skip it entirely. So I think contracting the E by two teams and bringing the total down to 6 may be beneficial. The E in itself has been polarizing and it was added to the league way before I had joined, so I don’t have an opinion on how it was received when there was an astonishing growth in members. Many members of the VHL have very strong opinions about it. With one half proclaiming that the E no longer has a place as the Covid boom of members has far passed, while the other completely against that idea. Personally, I had a really positive experience in the VHLE under Mubbles, and think the idea of completely removing it puts newer players who are first joining at a severe disadvantage, because it means that the cap for the M would now be around 350-400 TPE and anyone starting out with just 30 would get absolutely pummeled, resulting in potential drops in retention. Again, I think contracting would be a better option if there were one, but there isn’t an easy solution to this controversy regarding the VHLE.


3. Rebrand the New York Americans!


Thad, if you’re reading this for some reason, I’m so sorry. But the New York Americans have the most boring branding in the VHL by far. Nothing about it stands out when compared to other teams in the league, and I know sometimes minimalism is the best option, it just doesn’t get the job done here. Especially when you take into consideration that the London United have a very similar logo, but execute it in a much more creative fashion with the London Bridge imagery as well as the two swords crossing behind the badge which gives it an awesome silhouette. If I were to rebrand the Americans, I’d either change the name entirely and start from scratch or simply spice up the logo! Get a Lady Liberty in there, or an eagle, as seen on one of New York's older logos. It’s time for a change! 


Kirby shuts her laptop, looking pleased with the three changes she’s offered to the league. Will they ever be taken into consideration? Who knows!



word count: 687


Edited by kirbithan
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