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Theme Week! Commissioner for a Day:


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Theme Week! Commissioner for a Day: 


All right same week season 89, 2023…here we go. Commissioner for a day? What would I do , what would I do…As a relative newcomer to the VH L , it's actually a tough question. 


But, what I would say is I would definitely have a meet up and scrap option! I think being able to meet up with all the haters, the naysayers, the shit talkers…Would be absolutely amazing! 


Unfortunately, there are a few VHL players that need to be called out. And yes Sharky I'm talking to you or is it “Jake Thunder”. Let me start off by saying not everybody is retired, living their best life typing up 500 word shit talking memos about other players. But, yet here we are. 


If I was commissioner for a day I would make sure that thunder, Jake thunder was banned 100%…II would also take 500 TPE from scurvy a.k.a. Brian Payne effective immediately! 


Ok, ok…On a more serious note I would make it easier earn TPE. That would be top priority for me. I constantly struggle to break 10 TPE every week. I know it may not seem like much, but at times it's tough to sit down and crank out five hundred word essays. 


Moving topics, one thing that I think would be fun, would be to have NHL teams as the VHL teams as opposed to made up teams. (No offense to the Calgary Wrangler whom I love and play for). I think it be cool to have 32 VHL teams all modeled after NHL franchises. I'm sure there's copyright laws and such that may make that impossible but that would be a fun thing for me. 


Another change I would make is when and if there is fights (and hopefully the fights are between me Brian Payne and Jakey Thunder).


It would be really cool to see even an NHL 94 reenactment of the fights. I mean seeing my little pixelated Rip Wheeler character just pummel little Jakey thunder would make me incredibly happy. I think Brian Payne might give me a run for my money, but Jake Thunder is old retired and really, really and I mean really weak. 


Continuing on…As commissioner I would

make discord challenges or TPE opportunities available. I don't know what that would look like but I think they’d be fun! 


Also as commissioner I would make old-school WWF pre and post game promos mandatory…as a point task, but mandatory. You’d be given 10 TOE for every promo that you cut calling out another player in the league! And you already know, that for me it would definitely be little Jakey Thunder and Brian Payne cause I hate those guys. (And yes I know they’re legends…but I’m the commish!!!) 


Lastly I would add an option to pay in each season…or you know what let's not make it an option, it’s mandatory! $10 every VHL player in the pot and at the end of the year, the team that wins the cup gets the cash to split! I think that adding some money “skin in the game” to the pot similar to fantasy football or fantasy hockey would peak the interest level of some of us that are struggling completing weekly TPE tasks. 


Alright, well I'm hoping that this is around 500 words and if it's not then I'll type a little bit more…but it's been real letting you know what I would do as commissioner for a day! ScottyP a.k.a. Rip Wheeler a.k.a. The TGGG guy is out! Wranglers!…as always let's ride!!!


600 words! Bang bang! Take that little Jakey Thunder!

Edited by ScottyP
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Now that is the best thing I’ve read from you in years!!!  If you could only keep that fire under your ass lit, everything would be great!!  Keep it up…

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