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Jacob Should Not Be Commissioner For Even A Day


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The VHL has named me commissioner for the day! This will be a day remembered in VHL History for better or for worse. I spent the week preparing for this day, and to be entirely honest, most of the things I will be implementing today are not well thought out, nor are they entirely logically sound, but they are already coming to be and therefore all complaints are simply too late.


Consistent Branding

We take all of the logos for all of the teams for each of the leagues, good and bad, and we present them to an artist, that we would pay handsomely to make us a series of logos with consistent style, and general quality. The artist may replicate some of the logos in their style, or they may present some designs for new logos to better match the team name.


Fix Competitiveness in the VHL/E

I think the recent success of the VHLM can teach us a lot about what it takes to make a league that is competitive season in and season out. Committing to a league’s mission creates an environment where the league standings and competitive cycles match the expectations of the players. Much like the VHLM, the VHLE has very short competitive cycles (1-3 seasons) which means boom bust cycles destroy the standings, with an emphasis in the VHLE with fewer teams. The way the VHLM has helped remedy this is by making sure each team makes a significant appearance in the draft, and mandating roster limits for each team before expanding once the league population grows.


IA players have destroyed the mission of the VHLE, enticing GMs to prioritize TPA over activity, and putting active players in lesser roles. Active players should be the stars of the show. As such I propose that the VHLE should remove IA waivers, and instead, VHLE teams should only be allowed to add players once they have returned to “Active” status throughout the season, much like the VHLM. I would not force teams to drop IA players, just to maintain numbers, but teams can drop IA players to replace them with Active players if they can acquire one. Although the VHLE should again follow the lead of the VHLM and institute a 9-4-2 roster limit until all teams reach that threshold. Players should join the team that gives them the best role, and as such encourage growth and activity.


Next up is the VHL, who has had several franchises plagued with poor results for several real life years. The rebuilding cycle is simply too long for many GMs to commit to, and with constant management shifts, a perpetual rebuild is the state of several storied franchises. As such, the GOLD DRAFTING system will be implemented immediately, causing every game to have meaning, and with the support of the Spirit of Competition Rule, each team will have every reason to score as many points as possible. We need to be rewarding our worst teams with high picks and top prospects, propelling them forward back into competitiveness.


VHL GMs will also be held to the highest standard. Having made your way to the peak of competition, the expectation is that you are on your game at all times. Draft Interviews/Scouting, Maintaining Competitive Rosters, Managing Prospect Pools and Regular Forum Activity are now mandated for GMs, and their associated AGMs. As a management team, all of these aspects should be handled without issue, as this is the standard we can hold.


Honestly I was going to write some more but my brain is empty, no thoughts remaining.


This is Theme Week, thanks for coming. Day as Commissioner is over.

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If there was ever a more apt title for an article I am not sure you will find it.  Please don't ever give Jacob the power to make the final decision on VHL related activities.  He will spend money because he can, he will make up all new rule systems and force them on individuals.  He would probably fire a number of individuals as well.  Do not give this individual the power of commissioner for a day it wil take years to undo what he accomplishes.


Fun article, some great ideas and maybe one day you might get to implement at least one of them.

I give this article a 9/10

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