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Oh I am sorry, I did not know I am applying for art school.


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During the weekend I was browsing the media spot section. I found the following article by Greg_Di, link. In the article, Greg talks about graphic point tasks and how the quality of the content can be a little up and down in the graphics section. There are a lot of reasons why some of the graphics appear to be high-quality and some the opposite. Some are better at creating anything graphics related, some are just starting out, so the content is not as polished, some do not have access to the same tools, and the list goes on and on.


What I like about VHL is that VHL as a league encourages users to create all kinds of content, no matter how talented you are - you can give it a go and keep practicing. That goes to writing, graphics, podcasts, and anything you can think of, as long as its league related and you put in a fair amount of effort you should receive the 6 TPE. So when we think about graphics, you do not have to be an trained artist to feel like you have a chance to earn that tasty 6 TPE. Or so I thought.


After reading the article from Greg, I was inspired.


I was inspired because, in the comments section, I saw a comment from Triller. I felt their comment was directed to users like myself. Especially, the following quote stuck with me: "Don't give less TPE to those that look low effort as some people may be just learning and that is how you get better, but give 8 to those who are putting in more effort! "


I have never been much of an artist. I have been writing articles in VHL for some time, I have even tried podcasting, but I have never truly entertained the idea of earning TPE by creating graphics. I have never felt I have that "artistic" flow or vision inside of me that would allow me to create something truly unique. In my mind, graphics should be something "new" and "interesting". After reading the comment from Triller, I felt like now could be the right time for me to try graphics. After all, how am I supposed to learn if I never try?




Now, you can maybe imagine my shock when I put in a fair amount of work on something that I thought is something new and unique, I put my soul into my work, only to be critically analyzed by one of the updaters. My work of art was not seen as worthy of 6 TPE.


To that, I say, how dare you?


You, six hours in a coffee shop each day spending art elitist, I was not aware you need to be a student of art or thinking about going to art school if you want to have 6 TPE. I would now like to quote Triller again: "...art is subjective and an updater deciding what is good or bad would just result in them being called out for their preferences in art." 


You can laugh at it, but by doing so - you are only laughing at yourself because you do not get my vision. You might now ask: what vision? I should not have to explain my vision and my process. But when you are desperately trying to impress users who decide whether your work is deemed as "good enough", I feel like I have to. That is unfair. I should not be criticized because I don't have an art degree from some Romanian online university like quite a few of the updaters have. They think a diploma makes them an art expert.


All I can say is 1. You are not an art expert, and 2. My work is worth 6 TPE.


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