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Molly the Cat settles into London, finally.


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I interviewed Molly the Cat this week, after hearing rumors about their activities. 


Molly the Cat, rumor around town is that you were out house shopping this week. Can you tell me if that is true and if it is, was it successful? 


Yes, I was out house shopping this week. I felt that since I have been in London now for 5 seasons and am signed long term that it was far overdue. Probably something I should have done a couple of years ago when I resigned. As for the success of the endeavor, I am still waiting for that. At this point I have identified a couple of options and have put in an offer for each. I will be happy if I get either. Must admit that houses in London, England are much more costly than what I was used to back home. I should know by the end of the day what my next steps are. I won’t be leaving my current place right away, both options I was looking at I would want to do some renovations before I moved in. Need to make the place my own. Nothing major but a few updates. 


Molly the Cat, can you give us a little insight into some of the renovations you would be considering? 


As a professional hockey player there are a couple of things that are important to me, one obviously is to have a place to house the various awards and memorabilia that I have collected and plan to add to as my season continues. I will also include a work area in that zone of the house to allow me to respond to fan mail, deal with contractual documentation. You know normal hockey business stuff. The second area I will be working on is a full gym. Even on off training days I like to do a light workout, if I don’t have to go to the arena to do that it will save me time that I can use elsewhere. Obviously in addition I will do some upgrades to the kitchen and bathrooms. 


Molly the Cat, tell me about your decoration style? 


I am not sure that I am tied into only one style for my decoration preferences. Obviously the more technically related rooms, media room, home gym, will have a modern industrial sort of style. the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom I tend to go more modern farmhouse. I think it will be a little eclectic once it is finished. Now I am not very hands on with these things. I did hire a designer to take care of it. I have many skills but choosing materials, colors, and textures isn’t one of them. I feel like I am in good hands with my designer. We have had several conversations and I feel like she understands what I am trying to achieve overall with the house.  


Molly the Cat, please keep us informed on how the house hunt is going. We would appreciate the opportunity to do a full article on the house once it is completed. I believe your fans would appreciate the opportunity to see how you live. 

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