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Sunday Bullets 7/30


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  • Yoooo the wolf bois are heading to the ship. Can't lie, this is amazing. It took me a long time to get here with my other players, and it really feels like this team has something special going on. Love the forward core and depth and the studs on defense and goalie. We kinda just blew through the North American Conference and now line up against a very strong Davos team. Would love to see the boys win it. It's been a few players since I've actually won a cup, so this would be pretty meaningful for me. My main objective with Analfist is getting Cups, so to see us compete in one, Year One is pretty special.
  • Heavily considering applying for a VHLM GM Position in the off-season. After hearing about the openings I've been really reflecting and thinking about if this is the right time for me. I've always loved the VHLM GM position as a league job. I really enjoy engaging with new members or returning members to kickstart their career in the VHL. I always loved having a laundry list of graduates to the VHL - and I would love to continue that. I do question whether I have the time, just because I feel like this is such a huge responsibility. I don't ever like to half-ass anything, so I would only apply if I knew that I could commit to this job in a long term capacity.
  • This is the part where I talk about my personal life. Not much to share really. The baby isn't really a baby anymore. Feels like the last few weeks he morphed into a toodler. He's moving all over the house and it's been a lot. Been very busy this week to say the least. Trying to find energy and time to do everything - but as you can see, I'm posting this with 20 mins left in the week and then claiming Pension... So I'm just getting by lol.
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